After Font I
was completely psyched for Bouldering in fact I spent some days in Ticino but each day in a
different spots.
The first
bouldering place where I climbed was Cresciano, definitely the
place that I have visited less in Ticino.
In Cresciano, I climbed some
classics like:
-Vol au vent 7a Flash
- Il Partner Original 7b Flash
-Hannibal Lecter 7b/+ Flash
-La Pioche 7b+ Flash
Chironico is the spot that I climbed more in
the last years, but I had the curiosity to check a new sector and new boulders
for me, it is called Shattental. This sector is situated near a river in fact
many boulders are smooth and featured by slopers.
In one day I climbed:
-Powerstrips 7b Flash
-Nobody ist der grobte 7b+
One month later I came back to Chironico but I went to Nivo Basso sector
and unfortunately all the boulders were completely wet except two lines, Made
in Norway and Made in Ticino.
After a fast warm up I sent the two only dry lines in Chironico.
After a fast warm up I sent the two only dry lines in Chironico.
-Made in Norway 7b 2nd go
-Made in Ticino 7c
In Brione, probably one the best
bouldering place I have climbed because
the rock quality is amazing and a lot of perfect granite boulders surrounded
this special mountain place.
In one day I sent two fantastic lines:
-7c+ open by Samuel Ometz